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A proofreader reviews a document for things including (but not limited to), awkward phrasing, tense consistency (past, present, future), typos, and obvious formatting errors.


If your document is mostly finished and needs a polish, this is the right option for you.


A copy-editor takes on more responsibility. They do everything a proofreader would do, but also advise on argument construction, suggest alternate formulations of sentences and paragraphs, and ensure your document meets the formatting requirements of your publisher.


If your document needs a thorough review, this is the right option for you.


Let us know which language you would like translated. Beyond the permanent members of our team, we also work with a wide variety of independent translators covering over a dozen languages.


Every translation is also reviewed by a Clarity & Style native language proofreader to ensure your translation is as smooth as possible.


Argumentative and persuasive writing consulting.


Given the involved nature of consulting, please contact us for pricing and availability.

Need more details? Contact us


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